
Here is the secret list of soon to be extinct jobs

Friday, March 1st, 2024 07:33 | By
Kenyan marketers embrace AI as its use grows globally
Representation of Artificial Intelligence. PHOTO/Pexels

This week, I had the privilege of meeting entrepreneurs in the creative industry. Our discussions revealed a striking statistic: more than 40 per cent of their clients are opting for alternative solutions.

In particular, many are leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI)to develop marketing materials.

Entrepreneurs must evolve with the changing landscape to remain competitive. This trend underscores the increasing impact of AI in the business and emphasizes the importance of adapting to shifting market dynamics.

The World Economic Forum believes that the move to AI will affect 85 million jobs, with around 25 per cent of all jobs replaced within the next five years. Individuals are increasingly concerned that AI will replace more employment than it would generate.

As AI technology advances, companies across the board are starting to automate operations formerly handled by people. While this transition may result in enhanced efficiency and productivity in many industries, it also raises concerns about the future of work and its implications for the labor force.

In Kenya, businesses are beginning to harness AI for more targeted and effective marketing strategies. AI tools such as predictive analytics, chatbots, and personalised recommendations have proven to enhance customer engagement and drive business growth.

Companies across various industries, including e-commerce, finance and telecommunications, are increasingly incorporating AI into their advertising efforts to gain a competitive edge in the market. As more companies embrace AI-powered solutions, we can look forward to a future where customer service is not just a necessity but a competitive advantage that sets businesses apart in the market.

As advancements in AI continue to evolve, we can anticipate more companies embracing this innovative technology to optimise their advertising initiatives and reach a wider audience.

Recently, there was a notable instance where a prominent Kenyan company used a generative AI advertisement on a billboard. This action caused a stir among creatives.

My advice to them is simple: If you can’t beat them, join them! There are several jobs that AI is poised to replace or disrupt soon in Kenya. From traditional roles in agriculture to emerging sectors like customer service, the impact of AI on employment in Kenya is undeniable.

Agriculture is one of the major industries where AI is disrupting.

Many conventional agricultural jobs are at risk of being displaced by AI-powered solutions as precision farming techniques and automated technology become more prevalent.

The tea industry is increasingly automated, resulting in employment losses for workers, with more than 30,000 losing jobs over the past five years. Similarly, AI-powered robots may be used to sow seeds, apply fertiliser and harvest crops more precisely and quickly.

The media is also feeling the pressure. AI has already begun to disrupt traditional media sources by automating processes like content generation and curation.

News organisations are using AI algorithms to generate simple news pieces based on data inputs, which minimises the need for human journalists to write each item manually. AI also performs voiceovers, and the voices can mimic humans. This has raised fears about job losses in the news industry as AI gets increasingly adept at creating high-quality material.

Other sectors, such as transportation and healthcare, are also facing the possibility of automation replacing human workers. Industries must adapt and upskill their workforce to remain competitive in this rapidly changing landscape.

By embracing automation and upskilling employees, companies can not only remain competitive but also create new opportunities for growth and innovation. Businesses need to prioritise the development of their workforce to thrive in the evolving landscape of AI technology.

As we navigate this shift, authorities, corporations, and people must prioritise upskilling and reskilling programmes to ensure that workers have the skills they need to flourish in an AI-driven economy. By working together, we can realise the full promise of AI while simultaneously protecting the well-being of our workforce.

—The writer is an Innovations Evangelist and a PhD Candidate [email protected]

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