Inside Politics

‘You have a date with the police’ – Kindiki warns against violence ahead of opposition protests

Tuesday, July 18th, 2023 18:23 | By
'You have a date with the police' - Kindiki warns against violence ahead of opposition protests
Interior CS Kithure Kindiki during a past function. PHOTO/Kithure Kindiki(@KindikiKithure)/Twitter

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki has issued a stern warning ahead of opposition demonstrations scheduled for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week.

In a statement on Tuesday evening, Kindiki said criminal elements behind last Wednesday's violence are plotting another round of chaos during the three-day protests.

The tough-talking CS warned that police are under instructions to prevent a repeat of violence witnessed in Nairobi and several parts of the country last week, leading to loss of lives, massive destruction of property and looting.

"There have been media and public reports that the same organizers and architects of last week’s violence, which resulted in death and injury of innocent Kenyans, massive plunder of private property, arson on government buildings and disruption of businesses, plan to yet again unleash terror and fresh violence on Kenyans tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. They have also threatened to turn the wave of violence into a weekly and perhaps a daily affair.

"Intelligence reports confirm these media and public reports as accurate and verifiable. Accordingly, national security agencies have deployed all the available resources to ensure that scenes witnessed on Wednesday do not happen again. Anyone planning to unleash violence on Kenyans is hereby warned to cease and desist," Kindiki warned.

He told members of the public to go about their business as usual and urged those who wish to express their political rights to "do so within the law and without violating the rights of others".

"Those who doubt the government resolve to prevent further loss of life, injury, destruction of private and public property, and degeneration of the Country into anarchy have a date with law enforcement agencies tomorrow, Thursday, Friday or any other day," Kindiki said.

"Members of the public are advised to go about their daily businesses normally as law enforcement agencies ensure their safety and security, and that those who wish to express their political rights do so within the law and without violating the rights of others."

Kindiki's statement comes days after he clarified that the government had not banned public rallies and gatherings.

Speaking during a church service in Tharaka Nithi on Sunday, Kindiki indicated that the government would allow scheduled protests as long as they are peaceful.

"The government respects and upholds the Constitution and all its provisions, including the freedom of association and assembly, the right to demonstrate, picket, and petition.

"The government has not banned public rallies and gatherings. The Public Order Act clearly allows such rallies to be held between 6am and 6pm. However, anyone planning to cause chaos, sabotage the economy, or engage in lawlessness will be dealt with firmly and decisively, in accordance with the law," Kindiki stated.

Kindiki's utterances came after President William Ruto warned against the planned protests by his opponents.

"It’s impossible to use demonstrations to destroy property and cause loss of life just because a few individuals want to advance their political agenda.

"Politics is driven by political agenda, not demonstrations. So we must agree, and I want to tell Kenyans that we will mobilize all resources to protect the property and lives of every Kenyan," Ruto said.

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