Inside Politics

CS Murkomen pleads with Raila to call off planned demos

Tuesday, July 18th, 2023 18:59 | By
CS Murkomen pleads with Raila to call off planned demos
Roads and Transport Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen during a meeting with leaders from Bungoma County at Transcom House in Nairobi on Tuesday, July 18, 2023. PHOTO/Kipchumba Murkomen(@kipmurkomen)/Twitter

Roads and Transport Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen has urged Azimio la Umoja - One Kenya coalition leader Raila Odinga to call off planned demonstrations and give dialogue a chance.

The opposition is expected to lead a series of anti-government demonstrations on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to protest against the high cost of living in the country.

But in a statement on Tuesday, Murkomen said Raila should use his influence to suspend the planned protests.

"It is still my prayer and considered opinion that Hon. Raila Odinga should use his influence to call off the planned mass action. He has the ability and responsibility to do so," Murkomen said.

At the same time, the former Elgeyo Marakwet senator appealed to the opposition to resume bipartisan talks proposed by President William Ruto to resolve contentious issues regarding the cost of living and reconstitution of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

"There is no reason why we shouldn’t resume the Parliamentary talks. Now that Azimio are clear that they don’t want to be part of government in any form or shape whether it is nusu mkate or handshake, then I don’t see the reason why we can’t prosecute the issues raised using our democratic institutions," he added.

"President Ruto offered dialogue as a solution and those of us in government supported his proposal a hundred percent without exception. I urge our Azimio friends to be mindful of the nation and resume the talks."

Azimio pulled out of bipartisan talks with lawmakers allied to the Kenya Kwanza administration last month following the passing of the contentious Finance Bill 2023.

Speaking in a public rally in Kamkunji grounds on June 27, 2023, Raila accused President William Ruto's Kenya Kwanza government of imposing punitive taxes on Kenyans at a time the country is struggling with runaway inflation.

"What happened this past week and yesterday is not just about the Finance Act, this is about the re-emergence of a dictatorship. We all know where Mr (William) Ruto and (Rigathi) Gachagua are coming from," Raila lamented.

The opposition chief vowed to lead a civil disobedience campaign to force the government to repeal the Finance Act. Raila said the civil disobedience would entail a refusal to pay taxes.

"Having imposed on us the punitive taxation measures contained in the Finance Act 2023 in complete disregard of our views, we declare an end to the bipartisan talks to which we had sent our delegation in the hope that Kenya Kwanza could show interest in resolving pro-people issues including the rising cost of living. It is time for action," Raila said.

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