Inside Politics

Senate to summon former governors over audit queries

Thursday, May 23rd, 2024 03:00 | By
The Senate
The Senate in session. PHOTO/@Senate_KE/X

A Senate Committee has resolved to invite former County Governors to respond to audit queries during their tenure in office.

This is after current Governors claimed that they are not able to respond to some of the queries because of lack of proper documentation, payment vouchers and in making financial statements.

The Senate County Public Investments and Special Funds Committee chaired by Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi said they are first considering summoning the ex-county chiefs and other officials of some Counties to come and table evi-dence on how they spent taxpayers’ money during their tenure.

The Senate watchdog committee instead asked the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) to investigate the whereabouts of close to Sh400 million bursary funds budgeted for between 2019 and 2022 in Kisii county.

Proper documents

During the probe by the Godfrey Osotsi-led committee, it was revealed that Kisii county officials withdrew up to Sh4.8 million in three successive days in cash without proper documents.

The only approval for the withdrawal of the funds was a communication in the form of a memo between the chief fi-nance officer and his education counterpart.

This was contrary to the Public Finance Management Act with its accompanying regulations that require the County Executive to withdraw funds after the approval by the County Assembly.

Appearing before the committee, Kisii Governor Simba Arati told the committee that he could not respond to some issues because he was unable to get the documentation that could facilitate the auditors in resolving the audit que-ries.

“I am unable to get some documents to fully resolve these issues. The committee should consider summoning the former Governor to come and explain some of these expenditures,” said Arati. “It is a bad practice which I have stopped. If you borrow money, then it must be refunded. If anyone does not follow the law, then disciplinary action should take its course.”

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