
Striving for excellence in family is worth the results

Tuesday, August 4th, 2020 00:00 | By
Striving for excellence in family.

Many people shy away from excellence just because it appears hard to achieve. Well, mediocrity ultimately makes life much harder.

In families, demanding for excellence isn’t being a slave driver—it’s for the benefit of the entire family. 

One of the reasons many couples get bored of each other and in a resultant effect, drift away from each other is lack of excellence.

Couples should, therefore, strive for excellence. Learn to talk excellently. Find out the right kind of words to use so as to touch the heart of your spouse.

Read books and ask questions to those who appear to be making it in marriage. Doing nothing about your poor communication skills will only make things worse.

Learn to speak palatable and savoury words. Information and knowledge always empowers. Ignorance is what destroys.

From the principle thing, which is communication, the next is physical appearance.

Couples shouldn’t get so accustomed to being shabby and unkempt when with each other that the essence of beauty and good looks is relegated. Dress well and smell good at home.

Let your spouse relish the aroma of your sweetness. A good smell relaxes and has therapeutic properties. 

Excellence should not only be pursued in communication and looks alone, but in every aspect of life.

Make sure your meals have taste and variety. A good meal together can draw hearts closer.

The house should also get a new coat of paint once in a while. Change of colour can lift spirits.

It should not necessarily be expensive, but without slackening, the finished work must be beautiful to the sight. 

Pursue excellence in education and career as well. As long as you’re improving your problem-solving skills, you’ll remain on top of your game.

Put your heart and passion into the things you do. Don’t rush over matters. Be a keen listener and a good thinker.

Don’t give up even if life is hard. There’s always a way out for those who practice excellence.

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