
NGOs accuse gov’t official’s relatives of maid’s torture

Thursday, May 23rd, 2024 06:10 | By
Crime scene tape used for illustration. PHOTO/Pexels

A section of civil society groups have accused East African  Principal Secretary  Abdi Fidhow of assaulting a domestic worker and  spirited attempts to cover up the matter.

 Speaking at Jevanjee Gardens yesterday, the human rights groups said that on Saturday last week, relatives of the PS allegedly attacked Miriam Atieno Akello causing body harm.

“While she undertook all the measures necessary to report the case to the police at Kilimani police station under the OB no 38/18/5/2024 in order to have the perpetrators brought to justice, we are perturbed by the slow nature this matter is taking,” said Marion Njoroge.

Njoroge said that after the attack, the perpetrators even went ahead and confiscated her phone contrary to her right to freedom from torture and freedom from unreasonable seizures of her property.

“ It is very sad that we have people who are using their positions to harm others because they think they are above the law. We are telling all the investigative agencies led by the DPP to take action as early as now,’ said Njoroge.

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