
Shun social media disinformation on novel virus spread

Monday, March 9th, 2020 00:00 | By
Coronavirus test samples.

Peter Murumba 

The outbreak of the new coronavirus, otherwise known as Covid-19, has triggered worldwide panic, anxiety and confusion.

The killer virus, which stated in Chinese city of Wuhan, has spread its in 59 countries, leaving more than 3,500 people dead and over 105,000 infected.

The origin of the novel coronavirus is not exactly known. The disease was first reported in Wuhan, China in December.

Out of those infected across the world, some 36,711 patients have recovered from the disease.

Even in the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicentre of the virus, out of a total of 65,000 people infected, only 1,667 have died. Japan which has recorded 880 cases, has reported only four deaths.

This points to a low fatality rate despite the widespread panic the virus has sparked globally.

This is not to downplay the potential devastating impact of Covid-19. Wuhan, being a major transportation hub in China, has registered a high caseload. 

And perhaps because of minimal travel compared to other continents, Africa has registered very few cases, with none in Kenya.

But that notwithstanding, there is need for greater surveillance at our airports and border entry points to prevent the disease spreading to Kenya from other countries.

The public should also remain take self-preventive measures and report any suspected cases to the authorities promptly.

Once infected with coronavirus, there are high chances one can recover fully. But this will depend on a number of factors besides how fast one seeks medical intervention.

Persons suffering poor health or other respiratory tract infections are most at risk of succumbing to the disease. 

Viral infections are most dangerous where a person has a weakened immune system. Vitamin D and zinc deficiency has also been flagged as potential risk factor.

The most important point  is that one should urgently seek medical attention immediately they notice Covid-19 symptoms, including coughing, sneezing, fever and other flu-like symptoms. 

Coronavirus has no vaccine, thus prevention is the best cure for now. One should avoid self-treatment as the disease cannot be cured by antibiotics.

Fortunately, the global scientific community is already developing a vaccine following early release of the genetic sequence of the coronavirus by Chinese researchers.

More than 20 vaccines are being developed globally according to World Health Organisation, with some already undergoing clinical trials.

To effectively tackle the coronavirus threat, we need to shun stigma involving negatively associating sections of the population with an infectious disease.

This is not a Chinese disease, but a serious health threat to mankind. Stigma hinders efforts to contain the disease as it drives people to hide the illness and not seek treatment.

As WHO  director general Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus says, “solidarity not stigma” is vital in the success of the global effort to combat the virus.

It is important to calm down and ignore the social media panic and disinformation. What’s more, pay attention to official communication by the government on Covid-19.

On that note, the government is to be commended for moving swiftly last week to establish a multi-agency response team to step up the country’s preparedness, including establishing a quarantine centre at the Mbagathi Hospital.

Newly-appointed Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe has his work cut out for him.

He should infuse discipline in the national response to coronavirus while instilling public confidence in the country’s ability to manage a potential health crisis.—The writer is the managing director of Impulso Kenya Ltd 

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