
Talanta Sports City construction on track, confidently defying decades of neglect – Ababu

Saturday, May 25th, 2024 11:35 | By
Construction of Talanta Sport City on the ground (left). Artistic impression of the Talanta Sports City (right). PHOTOS/X (@AbabuNamwamba)

Sports Cabinet Secretary (CS) Ababu Namwamba conducted an aerial inspection of the evolving Talanta Sports City in Jamhuri on Saturday, May 25, 2024.

With the project now 86 days into its development since the groundbreaking ceremony, Namwamba expressed a notable sense of assurance regarding its progress.

In a statement shared on his official Twitter account, Namwamba conveyed his confidence in the advancement of the Talanta Sports City initiative.

He articulated that the construction of the facility is proceeding seamlessly, remaining firmly on course and within the designated timeline.

"Talanta Sports City. Today, Saturday 25.05.2024. 86 days from ground-breaking. Coming along nicely, on track, on schedule," Namwamba affirmed in a post on X.

In his message, he underscored the deliberate, steady, and assured approach being employed to rectify decades of neglect that have plagued Kenya's sports and creative infrastructure.

"Deliberately, steadily, assuredly, we are fixing decades of neglect that has compromised status of Kenya's sports and creatives infrastructure. Confident," the CS added.


The Talanta Sports City, inaugurated by President William Ruto on March 1, 2024, marks a pivotal moment in Kenya's sporting journey.

As the nation gears up to co-host the 2027 Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) alongside Tanzania and Uganda, this state-of-the-art facility at Jamhuri Showground assumes paramount importance as one of the main host venues.

Distinguished by its exclusive focus on football, Talanta eschews traditional running tracks in favour of a dedicated football field, supplemented by a secondary outdoor pitch with accompanying tracks.

Evolving from its original "shield-like" design, Talanta Sports City now embraces a contemporary covered structure with enhanced nighttime illumination.

Artistic impression of the Talanta Sports City. PHOTO/X (@AbabuNamwamba)

With construction helmed by the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) in collaboration with the China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC), completion is slated for December 2025.

This timeline, spanning just under two years from commencement, allows for contingencies, ensuring a seamless realization of Kenya's vision for a world-class sporting arena.

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