Kenyan News

I used my millions to campaign for Uhuru – MP Rigathi Gachagua claims

Reading Time: 2 minutes Mathira MP Rigathi Gachagua now claims he used millions of his monies to campaign for President Uhuru Kenyatta in the […]

Top Myanmar junta leader promises multi-party polls

Reading Time: 2 minutes Yangon, Wednesday Myanmar’s military ruler has promised multi-party elections and the lifting of the state of emergency by August 2023, […]

Clan rivalry takes centre stage as ‘Mulembe’ leaders eye posts

Reading Time: 2 minutes Dennis Lumiti The sub-tribal and county politics in the Mulembe Nation are taking centre-stage as aspirants position themselves for the […]

App aims to get SMEs into influencer marketing

Reading Time: 4 minutes Harriet James @harriet@86jim When his Kenyan-based ventures failed to become sustainable in 2013 and 2015, Peter Kironji, sat down and looked […]

Nameless and Wahu have at last opened their doors to a docu-reality series called ‘This Love’

Reading Time: 4 minutes Nailantei Norari @artnorari When you think music power couple, Wahu and Nameless immediately pop up in your mind. It is […]

Cops arrest suspect over killing of university girl

Reading Time: 2 minutes The prime suspect in the July 12 murder of 23-year-old university student Christine Ambani was yesterday arrested in Chokaa area […]

72pc of Kenyans feel country headed in the wrong direction – poll

Reading Time: 2 minutes Majority of Kenyans feel that the country is headed in the wrong direction, a new survey shows. A Trends and […]

Hefty PPE prices justified by demand in wake of pandemic

Reading Time: 3 minutes Inflated prices of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) by Kenya Medical Supplies Authority are justified owing to the high demand in […]

EACC concerned over public officers role in 2022 politics

Reading Time: 2 minutes Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has raised the red flag over serving State and Public officers actively engaged in political […]

Bar tainted leaders from polls – NCIC

Reading Time: 2 minutes The National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) has warned the the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission against clearing politicians with […]