
Hyenas maul third Juja Farm resident

Monday, February 28th, 2022 03:31 | By

Residents of Juja Farm in Kiambu county have called on the Kenya Wildlife Service to relocate marauding hyenas that have claimed the lives of three people in the past two months.

The ferocious beasts attacked and killed the third victim last Thursday night at Athi village of Juja sub-county. The hyenas have also killed a number of livestock.

The latest victim was 35-year-old Robert Mwangi, alias Karundo, a labourer at a local quarry. He was attacked by the animals as he walked home. The other two people were killed in November and December.

Neighbours found the dismembered body of Mwangi in a bush on Friday morning. “We identified Mwangi from the clothes he wore,” said his friend, Martin Nzioka.

Mwangi had relocated to the area recently and  was living alone.

Local leaders led by Kalimoni Ward MCA Godfrey Mucheke asked the government to contain the hyena menace and compensate victims. He alleged the beasts were translocated there by KWS from Ol Donyo Sabuk Game Reserve.

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