
‘World is safer when Kenya, US work together’- Biden

Friday, May 24th, 2024 10:15 | By
US President Joe Biden with President William Ruto. PHOTO/@POTUS/X
US President Joe Biden with President William Ruto. PHOTO/@POTUS/X

The United States of America President Joe Biden has said the world is safer when his government and Kenya work together.

Biden who is has been hosting President William Ruto this week on his state visit said he has the same belief as Ruto, that the future will be won by countries that unleash the full potential of their populations including civil society, women, and young people.

"We are stronger, and the world is safer, when Kenya and the United States work together. Like President Ruto, I believe the future will be won by countries that unleash the full potential of their populations – including civil society, women, and young people," Biden said as he hosted Ruto at White House.

Kenya and the US are celebrating 60 years of partnership.

Biden during his roundtable meeting with Ruto noted that technology needs to be developed and deployed with transparency, accountability, and human rights in mind.

Kenya non-NATO ally status

President Biden has also committed to extend major non-NATO ally status to Kenya, making it the first sub-Saharan nation to receive the designation.

President Joe Biden in a roundtable meeting with President William Ruto. PHOTO/@POTUS/X.

This means Kenya will obtain more sophisticated weaponry from the United States and engage in closer security cooperation.

The deal could also give the US greater influence in East Africa. Kenya and the US already have a longstanding counterterrorism relationship, working together to combat the al-Shabaab terrorist group.

Kenya is also part of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, a coalition of about 50 nations that meet regularly to coordinate on how best to arm Kyiv against Moscow.

Kenya police Haiti deployment

President Ruto's meeting with Biden during his state visit to the US was also a platform for the two leaders to discuss the deployment of 1,000 Kenyan police officers to curb gang violence in Haiti.

While the US has refused to contribute forces to the United Nations-backed initiative, the country has nonetheless become Kenya’s loudest supporter and the mission’s biggest funder even as Nairobi faces domestic challenges over the strategy.

Haiti has been racked by violence in recent months after gangs declared war on the government of former Prime Minister Ariel Henry in February.

According to the UN, more than 2,500 people were killed or injured across the country from January to March while at least 95,000 people have fled the capital, Port-au-Prince.

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